What is Linux?

If you are reading this (which I am sure you are) then you must be aware of what a computer does, you know how to surf web, how to play music and movies on your computer, create documents, play games, and manage your files. But, you may (or may not be) aware of the fact that your computer cannot accomplish any of these useful tasks without the help of an operating system.
Your computer is not even capable of running web browsers, music players, and word processors etc., if the operating system does not tell it how to. So, without a doubt an operating system is one of the most important component of the computer system. You must have heard of and used at least one of the many operating systems like, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and LINUX.
This is where problem starts a normal computer users usually haven't even heard of Linux or they confuse it to be an operating system. Linux is just an operating system kernel: an operating system component that acts as a bridge between processes at hardware level and software applications. So, Linux is a kernel and is a piece (the most important piece) of the jigsaw called operating system and not the operating system itself.
Now, this will leave you wondering how a system loaded with Linux works if Linux is not an operating system. The truth is Linux comes loaded with GNU Operating System and tons of other free open-source applications to make a complete package called a GNU/Linux Distribution. This GNU/Linux Distribution is mistakenly called a Linux Distribution or simply Linux. Which I really don't mind because these Distributions were made famous under the name of Linux and confusing the whole thing is just natural more than ignorance.
So, if you want to use Linux on your system you will have to install a Linux Distribution on you computer. A Linux Distribution is a full featured operating system that can do everything that any other operating system can do. You can watch movies, listen to your favorite music, surf the internet, etc.
So, the next question popping up in your mind will be, why would I make a switch to Linux if it does exact same things that my current operating system does. Well, Linux just doesn't just do the similar stuff, it does it with some added value. Explaining the “added value”, I will first mention that Linux is FREE (absolutely free) with no charges at all, Linux is virus free, Linux is more secure than any other operating system, Linux does not crash, and yes any software application you will ever use on Linux will be available for free.
As much as Linux seems pretty a very attractive option in the last paragraph, one wonders why the world ain't already converting to it. The answer is they are, yes for previous many year more and more desktop computer users are shifting towards Linux. But, this number is very small and a major reason to that is lack of awareness and lack of guide. But, as more are more people will know the advantages of Linux over other operating systems, the Linux user base will only increase.