64-bit Flash Preview released by Adobe, why the extra support for Internet Explorer 9???

Adobe released the preview version of 64-bit flash player plug-in (codenamed square) for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The 64-bit version was released on the same day when beta version of Internet Explorer 9 was released by Microsoft, A coincidence or another sign of Microsoft-Adobe unity?
Adobe has also announced that the 64-bit flash will take advantage of Internet Explorer 9's hardware accelerated graphics. Adobe also went on saying that the plug-in will improve the performance in IE9 up to 35 percent in IE9 "compared to previous versions of IE". To me Adobe has been a little too kind to Microsoft and IE9. Which is fair, they are allowed to do what ever they want, even though we are still waiting for Photoshop on Linux platform.
The new version also focuses on enhancing security of the product as the adobe flash player is well known for it's security holes. The version is for preview and testing so it is expected to be faulty but to me it is rather a bigger step in improving IE9 as a web browser more than anything.
Square Preview can be downloaded from Adobe Labs. The latest Flash player is expected to be shipped somewhere in the first half of next year.